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Adding Remote Devices To DW Spectrum
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Adding Remote Devices To DW Spectrum


Affected Roles:  Administrators

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum

Complexity:  Medium

Last Edit:  August 16, 2024



Remote Devices

In some circumstances, it may be necessary for a device in a remote location to be added to a Server.  If a device is located on an external network from the Server, it is considered as a remote device.

While it is not a recommended configuration, remote devices may be added to DW Spectrum for offsite use.  To do so, the device will need Internet access, port forwarding rules on its router, and it is recommended to have a static public IP address or DDNS (for best results).  Intermittent network communication loss may be experienced between the remote device and the Server as a result of this setup.

This article will outline how to set up the network settings of the device and how to add a remote device to DW Spectrum.

Note:  The network setup outlined in this article requires that the installer has completed Local Network access setup to the device.  If the installer does not have network access and is offsite, configuring the remote setup will not be possible.

Note:  The use of “device” and “camera” is used interchangeably in this article.


Supported/Affected Devices

  • DW Blackjack Series
  • DW MEGApix Camera Series


Configuring Device Network Settings

When configuring network settings for remote connection, the device will need to be added to the Local Area Network (LAN).  If the device cannot be reached by the other devices on the LAN, then external communication through DW Spectrum is unlikely to function correctly.

Note:  If you have been provided a static public IP address by an ISP (Internet Service Provider) for the device, assign the network information that was provided by the ISP to the device.  This information should include the static public IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS Server(s), and the Port Numbers that were opened for the device.

If you have not yet added the device to the LAN, please read Adding New Cameras To The Network for assistance.


Obtaining Device Network Settings

For the next section in adding a remote device to DW Spectrum, you will need to know some of the device’s network information.

Note:  We will be using a DWC-MTT camera model as an example.  The following values and images may vary from your device.


To obtain the device network settings:

  1. Open a browser and connect with the device.

Enter the camera’s IP Address into the address bar and log into the camera.


  1. Enter the camera’s User ID and Password to log in to the device.

If you still need to assign a password to the camera, please read Assigning Passwords To IP Cameras.


  1. Click on the Config tab or Setup button (depending on the camera model) in the camera’s web client.



  1. Navigate to the Network settings of the camera.

From this menu, take note of the IP Address, Gateway, and Port Numbers that are assigned to the camera.



In this example, the camera is assigned an IP address of and to a Gateway address of

The camera is also assigned to five ports (80, 443, 9008, 554, and 8080).  Depending on the camera model, the default port numbers that are used may differ.  However, the most commonly used port numbers are 80, 443, and 554.


Wide Area Network (WAN) Setup

If your device communicates successful over LAN, the next step is to set up the camera for Wide Area Network (WAN) connection to enable offsite connection and monitoring.


Port Forwarding Example

Custom settings in your router called “Port Forwarding Rules” will need to be created for remote connection over WAN.  If you prefer to DIY, there are different self-help guides and websites that will walk you through the process.  For example, ( has a variety of guides available for different router manufacturers and models.


Note:  If you are unfamiliar with router networking, we recommend that you contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or camera Installer for assistance.


To create Port Forwarding Rules, you will want to have the device’s IP Address, Gateway, and the Port numbers handy, as the port rules will be specified by device.


  1. To set up Port Forwarding, you will need to access your router’s user interface on a local computer.  Use the Gateway address of the device (the router’s local IP address).  In our example, we are using as the Gateway address.




  1. On a local computer, enter the Gateway address into the address bar of a web browser.




  1. By connecting with the Gateway address of the router, a prompt will display asking for the router’s login information.  This information is most commonly found physically on the router.  Enter the login information to access the router.

Note:  The login information is not your Wi-Fi information.




  1. Depending on the router, this next step may be found in a different location in the router interface.  Locate the Port Forwarding section of the router.  In our example, this function is found under the Applications & Gaming > Advanced Routing section.

Note:  Depending on the router, Port Forwarding may also be referred to as “Pinholes”, “Single-Port”, or “Port Range Forwarding”.




  1. The information required varies depending on the router.  The port numbers used for the rule should be the same values as the ports found on the camera’s Network menu. 

In our example, we are using port numbers 80, 443, 9008, 554, and 8080.


The address used is the camera’s Local IP Address that was obtained from the camera’s Network settings. 

In our example, we are using 


Enter the requested information to create a rule for each port, then Save the settings to apply the Port Forwarding rule.

Repeat the port forwarding process for any additional LAN devices that will be added remotely to DW Spectrum.

Note:  It is recommended to use both the TCP and UDP protocols when creating port rules.




Checking Port Forwarding Status

Once the Port Forwarding rule has been created, you can test the port status.


  1. Visit ( or another port checking website of your choice.  In the Port to Check box, enter the port value that used when creating the Port Forwarding Rule for in the router.  Then click Check Port.

            l  Repeat this step for each port rule


This site pulls the Public IP Address of the router and allows you to test port forwarding rules. You will want your port to show successfully open.  If the status shows an error or failure, make sure that your device is still communicating over LAN and that there are not typos in the Port Forwarding Rule.




Adding The Remote Device To DW Spectrum

If all of the ports for the device test successfully open, copy the public IP address of the camera.

Use the public IP address of the camera when adding it to DW Spectrum.  You will need to add each remote device to the Server, individually.


For guidance in adding a device to DW Spectrum, please read Adding Devices Manually To DW Spectrum.

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