Live images are not being displayed in the virtual cameras views in the DW Spectrum client
Affected Roles: Administrator
Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps: C2P
Complexity: Low
Last Edit: 01/22/2020
Symptom: The user has connected their IP appliance to the C2P integration and live text activity is not being displayed in the virtual cameras views in the DW Spectrum client.
1) Verify that the C2P license is valid and has enough licenses to cover the number of unique IP appliances sending data to the integration. See also license server log file item 4 in Log Files within the integration
2) Verify that the simulator text traffic works by using the simulator button in the integration GUI for that IP appliance. This test should always be run prior to going live with any integration. If the simulator live stream of text is not displayed in the virtual camera view then there is no way live traffic will be displayed.
3) Check the data receiving log file in the integration GUI for the IP appliance. This log is the “View Log” button found in every IP Appliance integration GUI. If no activity is seen in this log file than the IP appliance data is not reaching the IP appliance integration interface.
4) Look for firewall or other rule settings in the network that are blocking the integration listening port. The listening port for all integrations is found in the “Advanced” button in the integration GUI for that IP appliance.
5) Check that the IP appliance is not actually sending data. The integration supplies a port listening tool (PortPeeker) that can be found in the c:\ConvergenceTP\bin\CTPToolkit folder that is very easy to use and very useful for determining if the IP Appliance is actually sending data.
6) Check to see there is a valid DW Spectrum license. If the license is expired, the text will not show up in the client.