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Fisheye Functionality On C3 CMS
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Fisheye Functionality On C3 CMS


Affected Roles:  Administrator, All Users

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  C3™ CMS

Complexity:  Low

Last Edit:  August 20, 2024



Fisheye Dewarping

Fisheye cameras are practical when users want to survey a wide area using a single-lens camera. However, monitoring the camera stream can be disorienting as the camera video will appear warped when initially viewing the camera.

This article will outline how to use the Fisheye Dewarping feature in C3CMS.


Supported/Affected Devices

  • DW Standalone Series NVR
  • DW MEGApix Camera Series (fisheye cameras)


Enabling Fisheye Dewarping

When viewing a fisheye camera through the C3 CMS client, using the channel controller feature for Fisheye dewarp allows viewers to offset, shape, and alter the display from a fisheye effect into a panoramic effect.


Fisheye Camera Example


To enable the Fisheye dewarp fucntion:

  1. Right-click on the fisheye camera and select “Channel Settings”.
  2. In the Channel Settings, configure the following settings:

    • Site Name: displays the label of the affiliated recorder


    • Camera Type: use the dropdown to select the “Fisheye” setting


    • Camera Detail: use the dropdown to select the mounting orientation of the 

        the fisheye camera [Ceiling, Table, Wall]


    • Offset/Ellipticity: use the dropdown to select the dewarp adjustment setting

        type [Offset or Ellipticity]. Use the directional-pad to shape and center the

        warped image as needed


    • Channel Number: displays the channel number of the camera that is

       currently being configured


    • Channel Title: displays the channel label of the affiliated recorder


Channel Setting Menu


  1. When finish configuring, click the “Save” button.
  2. Click the Fisheye Dewarp icon (  ) at the top of the fisheye camera channel.

           The text “FISHEYE” will display next to the viewing status text in the channel while

           the feature is active.


   5.You can cycle between a 360°, 180°, or 90° panoramic view by clicking on the panoramic mode tiles in the camera channel.


            Depending on the setting selected for the “Camera Detail” setting, you can use the mouse to rotate (360°) the fisheye image or to pan  (180° & 90°) the

dewarp fisheye image.


Use the directional pad and Offset/Ellipticity controls in the Camera Setting menu to reposition and shape the dewarp fisheye image as needed.


Fisheye dewarp -360° to a 180° display

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