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DW Spectrum - Exporting Licenses List
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Exporting DW Spectrum License List


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Software Version:  DW Spectrum Version 5.1

Last Edit:  August 20, 2024



Keeping a License List

It is recommended that DW Spectrum System Owners keep a list of the recording license keys. By having the license information documented, Administrators have an alternative option with which to go about deactivating or reactivating license keys should a Server encounter an unexpected licensing issue where the information cannot be recovered.

DW Spectrum IPVMS allows administrators to export a .html format file which will contain a list of all currently activated licenses on your system. The conveniences of having your licenses listed in this way include:

  • Having a visual backup of license information documented.
  • Allows easy copy/paste of license keys if re-activation ever becomes necessary.
  • The list can be provided to the licensing department for bulk manual license deactivation without needing to individually enter each license key.
  • Historical record keeping for organization and system management.

This article will outline how to export a list of your recording license keys through the DW Spectrum Client software application.


Exporting the Licenses List

To export a list of licenses using the DW Spectrum Client application:

  1. Log into your system as an Owner or Administrator level user with the DW Spectrum Client desktop application.


  1. Open the Main menu and open the System Administration menu (shortcut CTRL+ALT+A).


  1. Select the Licenses tab then click on “Export” next to the Active Licenses section.


  1. Select the destination to where the .html file will be saved. It is recommended to save the license information to a USB thumb drive but it can be stored wherever else it will be easy for you to access.

Give the file a name that will denote information about the system. For example, the current date, version, and name of the DW Spectrum System.


  1. Click the Save button to complete the license export process. Check the file location and open the .html file to verify that the exported information is correct.


It may be in your best interest to periodically update your exported license list as needed, should any changes occur with the licenses of your system such as adding licenses, removing licenses, etc.

**NOTE:  If you have a timed license or trial license, the expiration date and status of the key will be included.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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