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Home > DW Product Help > DW Recording Servers > DW Blackjack Servers > Linux / Ubuntu OS > DW Blackjack CX - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS System Recovery
DW Blackjack CX - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS System Recovery
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DW Technical Bulletin

To:  DW® Customers

Date:  June 26, 2023

Re:  DW Blackjack CX Recovery Guide


DW Blackjack CX – Ubuntu 20.04 LTS System Default Instructions


Affected Model Numbers: DW Blackjack CX

Operating System: Linux Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS

Release Date: June 26, 2023



DW Blackjack CX System Recovery

In the rare event that the DW Blackjack CX recording server has become corrupted, infected with a computer virus, or is otherwise not operating as it should, system administrators can attempt to use a USB recovery drive to restore the system to a working condition.


This document will outline how to restore a malfunctioning DW Blackjack CX unit by using:

  • Option 1: Ubuntu GNU GRUB Embedded Recovery – used when the Blackjack unit’s operating system is not operating normally and must be reset and restored.
  • Option 2: Ubuntu System USB Key Recovery – used when the Blackjack unit’s operating system will not load properly, and the embedded recovery tool is not accessible. An external resource (USB) must be used in this case to recover the system.


**NOTE:  Data will be deleted during the formatting process. DW Blackjack units use separate drive partitions to preserve DW Spectrum Media archives but if you have altered the default save location of the DW Spectrum Media, it is recommended to back up the media archives. For more information on manually backing up server archives, you can refer to the article “DW Spectrum – Best Practices for Preserving Data for Server Migration”.


Running the Ubuntu 20.04 Recovery USB

Option 1: Ubuntu GNU GRUB Embedded Recovery Method

The DW Blackjack CX includes a built-in recovery tool that can be used to restore the computer’s operating system and default applications. Follow the directions below to use the embedded recovery on a server with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

To boot the DW Blackjack CX into the Ubuntu Recovery Environment:

  1. Restart the system. When the Ubuntu GNU GRUB menu displays, use the arrow keys to select “Recovery” then tap the ENTER key.


**NOTE:  If you do not see the GNU GRUB menu when rebooting the system, make sure that your display monitor is not asleep. Some display monitors will go into sleep mode when a computer has been rebooted.


  1. The system will begin to prepare the recovery process. When prompted, press the Enter key to begin the system recovery.


  1. A warning message will display that existing data within the storage partition hosting the operating system will be overwritten. The DW Spectrum Media archives are hosted in a separate partition from the system.

Press the Y key to accept and proceed with the recovery.


  1. The recovery program will begin to run. This process may take between 3~5 minutes. Allow the process to run. The system will need to reboot once the process has been completed.




Option 2: Ubuntu System USB Key Recovery Method

The USB Recovery key uses an automated script to run recovery options when restoring a system.


**NOTE:  USB recovery version is not readily for general distribution. A DW Support ticket containing a clear assessment of the situation, documented troubleshooting record, and DW Technical Support approval is needed before the recovery material can be provided.


Perform the following steps to prep the Blackjack for USB recovery.

  1. Insert the USB Recovery Key into an available USB port. The USB 2.0 ports located in the rear panel of the unit are recommended.

With the USB inserted, reboot the machine.

  1. As the system is powering ON, tap the F11 key on the keyboard to access the system BIOS.

When you are prompted to enter the BIOS password, use “admin”.

  1. Use the arrow keys to select the “Boot” menu tab.

For the Boot Device Priority, set the USB recovery key as Boot Option #1.

Save and exit the BIOS.

  1. The Clonezilla GNU GRUB menu will appear.

Use the keyboard to select the first option from the list.


  1. The program will ask for confirmation to overwrite the listed disk. Enter “Y” (YES) with the keyboard to confirm that the correct hard disk and partition(s) are selected.

The program will then ask for you to confirm again. Enter “Y” (YES) again.


  1. Allow the Clonezilla script to run and for the installer to complete the process.

This process can take between 5 ~ 10 minutes to complete. You can track the progress in the Partclone progress window.


  1. Once the process has completed, the program will run a check to test the restored OS partition and then will reboot the system.


  1. As the system is restarting, tap the F11 key to return to the BIOS again.

Use the arrow keys to select the “Boot” menu tab.

For the Boot Device Priority, set Boot Option #1 back to the primary hard disk.

Save and exit the BIOS.


This completes the recovery guide for the DW Blackjack CX.





For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:

Toll-free:  866.446.3595


866.446.3595              [email protected]

Rev: 06/23                              Copyright © DW. All rights reserved. Specifications and pricing subject to change without notice.                            

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