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Home > DW Product Help > DW Cameras > IP Cameras > Third-Party IP Cameras > In-Camera Analytics of Third-Party Cameras Supported by DW Spectrum IPVMS
In-Camera Analytics of Third-Party Cameras Supported by DW Spectrum IPVMS
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What In-Camera Analytics Does DW Spectrum® IPVMS Support?


Affected Roles:  Administrator, Owner

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum® IPVMS

Software Version:  DW Spectrum® IPVMS v4.1 and up

Last Edit:  March 22, 2021



In-Camera Analytics

Other than the flexible integration of third-party analytics through a Generic Event, DW Spectrum® IPVMS also offers in-camera analytics integration for some third-party cameras.

This article will list some of the integrated third-party manufacturers and the associated in-camera analytics that are supported with DW Spectrum® IPVMS.


**NOTE:  Not all camera models will support the in-camera analytics that are listed below. 


**NOTE:  In-camera analytics must be configured within the camera’s GUI (web client) before configuring DW Spectrum® IPVMS to alert for analytic Event Rules.


Supported/Affected Devices:

  • DW Blackjack® Server Series
  • MEGApix® IP Camera Series (Non-IVA/IVA+™)


Digital Watchdog Analytics

The Digital Watchdog Analytic Events integration was based on the DW API (v4.0).  While the Digital Watchdog MEGApix® IVA/IVA+™ IP cameras are specifically designed for analytics through DW Spectrum® IPVMS, some of the older MEGApix® camera models do offer some limited analytics support.


Known Supported Devices

  • DWC-MVT4Wi28
  • DWC-MVT4Wi36
  • DWC-MVT4Wi6
  • DWC-MBT4Wi28
  • DWC-MBT4Wi36
  • DWC-MTT4Wi28
  • DWC-MTT4Wi36
  • DWC-MTT4Wi6


Known Supported Events

  • Motion Detection
  • Perimeter Intrusion Detection
  • Line Crossing Detection
  • Scene Change Detection
  • Video Blur Detection
  • Abnormal color Detection


Known Supported Devices (Group 2)

  • DWC-MB94Wi28T
  • DWC-MB94Wi36T
  • DWC-MV94Wi28T
  • DWC-MV94Wi36T
  • DWC-MV94WiAT
  • DWC-MT94Wi28T
  • DWC-MT94Wi36T
  • DWC-MT94WiAT


Known Supported Events (Group 2)

  • Motion Detection
  • Perimeter Intrusion Detection
  • Line Crossing Detection
  • Scene Change Detection
  • Video Blur Detection
  • Abnormal Color Detection


Known Digital Watchdog Analytics Notes

These features work on a specific port.  To determine the port value, the DW Spectrum® Server sends a GetPortConfig request to the camera.  In the received XML attribute, longPolling will have the required value.


AXIS Cameras

All built-in events and most events from applications that are found in the AXIS Application gallery will be supported by DW Spectrum® IPVMS.


Supported AXIS Events

An event will likely be supported if it meets the following conditions:

  1. The capability description passed from the camera must contain at least one of the three following options (also referred to as “topics”)
    1. tns1:VideoSource” – usually contains built-in basic events such as Camera Tampering, Global Scene Change, Day-to-Night Vision, etc.)
    2. tns1:RuleEngine” – usually contains intellectual events such as Cross-line Detection, Area Entrance, etc.)
    3. tnsaxis:CameraApplicationPlatform” – usually contains events from external applications
  2. An event must not be marked as internal (i.e. it may not contain “flag: xinternal_data” in its description)

These conditions are met by most ACAP applications, but it is wise to verify this before deployment.


Known AXIS Integration

When an event is triggered on the camera’s side, the camera will try to initiate the connection to the DW Spectrum® Server.

To make this happen, the DW Spectrum® Server provides the camera with a URL in the form of “<server_IP>:<listening port>” which is used later by the camera as an end-point.

By default, it is expected that analytics will not work for cameras that are manually added to the Server over a public network (Internet).  A solution to address this limitation is being looked into.


Bosch Cameras

The following analytic features have been tested and confirmed to work with most Bosch cameras that support in-camera analytics and use their firmware v6.50 or newer.


Supported Bosch Events by DW Spectrum® IPVMS

  • Excessive brightness
  • Insufficient brightness
  • Perimeter intrusion detection
  • Object abandoned/leaving detection
  • Object loitering detection
  • Object stopped detection
  • Object direction detection
  • Motion detection
  • Object detection
  • Scene tampering detection


Dahua Cameras

The Dahua integration was based on the Dahua API of HTTP Protocol Specification v2.71 of 2019-06-03.


Supported Dahua Events by DW Spectrum® IPVMS

The following in-camera analytics were tested with Dahua firmware v2.622.0000000.31.R, Build Date 2018-08-13:

  • Object detection
  • Video blur detection
  • Scene tampering detection


Known Supported Events by DW Spectrum® IPVMS (from v4.1+)

The following in-camera analytics were tested with Dahua IPC-HDW5442TM firmware version v2.800.00000000.80R, build date 2019-09-02:

  • Motion detection
  • Scene tampering detection
  • Video blur detection
  • Object abandoned/leaving detection
  • Object loitering detection
  • Perimeter intrusion detection
  • Object removed detection
  • Line crossing


**NOTE:  The supported event list can be extended by using a special JSON file placed near the Dahua plugin.  This is for Dahua specifically.


Hanwha Cameras

The Hanwha Analytics Events integration was based on the Hanwha SUNAPI (version 2.5.4).


Supported Hanwha Events

  • Scene tampering detection
  • Object tracking
  • Line crossing
  • Perimeter intrusion detection
  • Object loitering detection


Supported Hanwha Devices

The Hanwha ROI models that support the listed events were using Hanwha firmware v1.41 or higher.

  • PNV-A9081R
  • PNO-A9081R


Hikvision Cameras

The Hikvision Smart Events integration was based on the Hikvision IP Surveillance API (i.e. ISAPI) user guide (version 2.6).


Known Events

  • Object loitering detection
  • Perimeter intrusion detection
  • Object stopped detection
  • Line crossing detection
  • Scene tampering detection
  • Motion detection
  • Object abandoned/left detection
  • Object removed detection


Known Hikvision Smart Events Integration Notes

Regular "Smart Events" are pulled from the camera over persistent HTTP connections initiated by DW Server and not all cameras support all events, the actual supported event list might vary per camera model. 

The Hikvision Smart Events integration was made with the Hikvision IP Surveillance API (ISAPI) user guide (version 2.6).  

The following events are known: 

  • Any license plate value
  • A license plate in "Black list"/"White list" (preconfigured on camera)
  • Vehicle detected


Provision Cameras

The following models with firmware v5.0 or newer are known to be working with the mentioned in-camera analytics with DW Spectrum® IPVMS.

  • BX-341IPE
  • I4-340IPE-36, I4-340IPE-:VF, I6-340IPE-MVF
  • DAI-340IPE-28, DAI-340IPE-MVF
  • DI-340IPE-28, DI-340IPE-MVF
  • DMA-340IPE-28 


The following analytics features are known and supposed to work on all list Provision cameras that have the in-camera analytics. 

  • Motion detection
  • Perimeter intrusion detection
  • Line crossing detection
  • Scene tampering detection


Vivotek Cameras

The Vivotek Smart Events integration was based on the Smart VCA API (version 1.4 of 2020-05-13).  

The following events are known: 

  • Perimeter intrusion detection
  • Line crossing detection
  • Object loitering detection
  • Object removed detection
  • Object abandoned detection
  • Object detection


Supported Vivotek Devices

Vivotek Network Cameras (9xxx series, excluding the following MS(MA)9321/9322 series, IB9387-LPR, 9x67 series, and box cameras)


Tested Vivotek Devices

  • FE9191
  • FD9165-HT


Known Vivotek Smart VCA Notes

Available from Spectrum IPVMS v4.1.0

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