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DW Spectrum - DoorBird Integration
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DoorBird Integration


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Software Version:  DW Spectrum v4.0.0.29990, DoorBird IPVDS v000120

Last Edit:  May 5, 2020



DoorBird Connect

This article will outline the steps of setting up a DoorBird IP Video Door Station in connection with the Digital Watchdog DW Spectrum IPVMS, referred to as “DW Spectrum” throughout this manual.

Please make sure that the DW Spectrum Server receives an IP address and is connected to your network.  

Please also make sure that your DoorBird IP Video Door Station is online, using this service:

The local IP address of your DoorBird IP Video Door Station is available from the same page.


**NOTE:  Users must have Digest Authentication enabled for the related DW Spectrum user profile for this integration.



Integrating Doorbird Connect

System Requirements

  • DW Spectrum IPVMS
  • DoorBird IP Video Door Station D10x/D11x/D20x/D21x-Series


1. Setting Up the External Video Service (NVR)

For the DoorBird IP Video Door Station to be properly recognized by DW Spectrum, the NVR setting of the DoorBird IP Video Door Station must be activated.

  1. Open the DoorBird App and log into the administration area under Settings à Administration, using the administrator user and password credentials from the Digital Passport document that was shipped with your DoorBird IP Video Door Station.


  1. From the main menu, toggle on External video service (NVR) under DOORBIRD CONNECT.


2. Setting Up DW Spectrum

To set up recording in DW Spectrum:

  1. Open your DW Spectrum Client and log in to the Server using your DW Spectrum administrator credentials.
  • Default ID:  admin
  • Default Password:  admin12345


  1. DoorBird IP Video Door Station should automatically appear under the Server icon in the Device List. If it does not appear within 30 seconds, check if the external video service of the DoorBird IP Video Door Station was activated correctly.


  1. Right-click on your DoorBird IP Video Door Station, then select Camera Settings.


  1. Under Authentication, click on Edit Credentials.

Enter the Username and Password of your DoorBird IP Video Door Station (e.g. “user0001”).


  1. [Optional] Click on the Pencil symbol to the right of the title to edit the DoorBird IP Video Door Station’s name and give it an appropriate title (e.g. “Front Door”).


  1. Click on the Recording tab to display the Recording Schedule settings.

Click on the Recording toggle to enable recording for this device.


**NOTE:  To record to your DW Spectrum Server, use of a DW Spectrum Recording License is required.



  1. If your DoorBird IP Video Door Station supports continuous recording, edit the Recording Schedule settings to your preference. If your DoorBird IP Video Door Station does not support continuous recording, or if you prefer using event-based recording, proceed to step 3.1.

Otherwise, click Apply, then OK to complete the setup of your DoorBird IP Video Door Station.


3. Setting Up Event-Based Recording in the Digital Watchdog NVR

To set up Event recording:

  1. In DW Spectrum, right-click on your DoorBird IP Video Door Station, then select Camera Rules.


  1. Click the Add button to add a new rule.


  1. Under the Event penel, click on the drop-down menu for “When”, then select Generic Event.


  1. In the Caption contains field, enter an appropriate title for the event (e.g. “Doorbell”).


**NOTE:  If you are planning on setting up multiple DoorBird IP Video Door Stations, make sure to use a different caption for each device.


  1. In the Action penel, set the “Do” field to Camera recording.

For “at”, select your DoorBird IP Video Door Station.


  1. Enable Fixed duration and set the duration to you preference.


  1. Click Apply, then click OK to save the settings and to close the Event Rules window.


4. Setting Up Event-Based Recording in the DoorBird IP Video Door Station App


  1. Open the DoorBird App and log into the administration area under Settings à Administration, using the administrator user and password credentials from the Digital Passport document that was shipped with your DoorBird IP Video Door Station.


  1. Scroll down to the Favorites section and tap on HTTP(S) Calls.


  1. Click Add, to add a new HTTP(S) call.


  1. Devise a name for this HTTP(S) call (e.g. “Digital Watchdog”).


  1. In the URL field, enter the following URL:


https://admin:[email protected]:7001/api/createEvent?caption=Doorbell


**NOTE:  Replace “admin” and “password” with your DW Spectrum Server login.

Replace “x.x.x.x” with the IP address of your DW Spectrum Server and use the Caption that you designated earlier in Step 3.4 (e.g. “Doorbell”).


  1. Click Save to store this new HTTP(S) call.


For calls from the DoorBird IP Video Door Station to be forwarded to the Digital Watchdog NVR, a schedule for the doorbell needs to be properly set up.

Depending on the model of the DoorBird IP Video Door Station, choose one of the following options:


  1. For all devices with a single door chime (e.g. D10x, D11x, D20x, D2101V etc.) find the settings in question under “Schedule for doorbell”. From this screen, tap the bell symbol in the upper left corner, choose “HTTP(S) calls”,  and fill out the schedule per your requirements.


  1. For all devices with multiple door chimes (e.g. D2102V, D2103V, etc.) find the settings in question in the administration area under “Key Configuration” from the settings menu. Select the appropriate button and tap “Schedule for actions”. From this screen, tap the bell symbol in the upper left corner, choose “HTTP(S) calls” and fill out the schedule per your requirements.


  1. For all devices outfitted with a keypad (e.g. D21DKV) find the settings in question in the administration area under “Keypad in the settings menu. Select the appropriate key combination and go to “Schedule for actions”. From this screen, tap the bell symbol in the upper left corner, choose “HTTP(S) calls and fill out the schedule per your requirements.


*HINT:  By tapping the button in the upper right corner, it is possible to fill or clear the entire schedule.



  1. Return to the main administration area and save the settings.  Wait for about five minutes for the new settings to take place.


5. Setting Up Other Events in DW Spectrum

The event system of DW Spectrum can not only be used to trigger camera recording for the DoorBird IP Video Door Station, but also for many other actions as well.

The following section will show how to use the same HTTP(S) call that was set up in the previous steps to trigger multiple other actions in DW Spectrum.


5.1 Triggering the Alarm Layout in DW Spectrum

The following steps show how to display the Alarm Layout for the DoorBird IP Video Door Station upon ringing, in DW Spectrum.

  1. Follow Steps 3.1 to 3.4 to create a new Generic Event.


  1. In the Action panel, set “Do” to “Show on Alarm Layout”.


  1. Click on the Cameras field and select your DoorBird IP Video Door Station from the list of cameras.


  1. Click on the “for” field and select the users that you want to activate this feature for.


  1. Check “Force Alarm Layout opening”.


  1. Click on Apply to store the settings, then click OK to close the Event Rules window.


5.2 Triggering Notifications in DW Spectrum

The following steps show how to display an alert notification in DW Spectrum upon ringing.

  1. Follow steps 3.1 to 3.4 to create a new Generic Event.


  1. In the Action panel, set “Do” to “Show notification”.


  1. Either uncheck “Interval of action to receive a notification every time a doorbell event occurs, or set a time-interval in which such a notification can occur.


  1. Click on the “for” field and select the users you want to activate this feature for.


  1. Click on Apply to store the settings, then click OK to close the Event Rules window.


5.3 Triggering an Email Alert in DW Spectrum

The following steps show how to display an email alert to be sent form DW Spectrum upon ringing.


**NOTE:  For this feature to work correctly, the Outgoing Email Settings in the System Administration menu of DW Spectrum must be configured first.  For more information, please read Email Notification Setup (DW Spectrum).


  1. Follow Steps 3.1 to 3.4 to create a new Generic Event.


  1. In the Action panel, set “Do” to “Send email”.


  1. Either uncheck “Interval of action” to receive a notification every time a doorbell event occurs, or set a time-interval in which such a notification can occur.


  1. Click on the “to” field and select the users you want to activate this feature for.


  1. If there are additional recipients you want to send email alerts to, enter their email addresses in the “Additional Recipients” field, separating addresses with a semicolon.


  1. Click on Apply to store the settings, then click OK to close the Event Rules window.


6. Setting Up Soft Triggers in DW Spectrum

Using DW Spectrum it is possible to trigger the relay(s) of your DoorBird IP Video Door Station directly from the DW Spectrum interface.

This is achieved through the following steps:

  1. Right-click on your DoorBird IP Video Door Station in the Device List and select “Camera Rules…”.


  1. Click Add to add a new rule.


  1. In the Event panel, click on the drop-down menu for “When” and select “Soft Trigger”.


  1.  Set the “At” field to your DoorBird IP Video Door Station.


  1. Set “Available to” to the DW Spectrum user(s) that you want to allow access to this feature.


  1. Give the “Name” field an appropriate description for the soft trigger (e.g. “Open front door”).


  1. From the “Icon” drop-down menu, select an appropriate icon for the soft trigger.


  1. In the “Action” panel, set “Do” to “Do HTTP request”.


  1. Uncheck “Interval of action” to make sure the action gets triggered instantly every time you push the soft trigger.


  1.   Set the “HTTP URL” field to:




**NOTE:  Replace x.x.x.x with the IP address of your DoorBird IP Video Door Station.  If your DoorBird IP Video Door Station features more than one relay, set the number at the end of the URL to the number of the relay you wish to trigger.


  1.   In the “Login” and “Password” fields, enter the credentials of your DoorBird App user (e.g. “user0001”).


  1.   Click Apply to store the settings, then click OK to close the Event Rules window.


  1.   The icon you selected will now appear as a button in the video layout of your DoorBird IP Video Door Station in the DW Spectrum app.  If everything was configured correctly, the relay of your DoorBird IP Video Door Station will now trigger upon pushing this button.


For questions and problems regarding DoorBird IP Video Door Statoin, please contact DoorBird Technical Support.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]


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