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Home > DW Product Help > DW Cameras > IP Cameras > MEGApix Cameras > CaaS Cameras > DW Spectrum - Updating DW Spectrum ARM Firmware for CaaS
DW Spectrum - Updating DW Spectrum ARM Firmware for CaaS
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Updating DW Spectrum Edge/ARM Firmware for CaaS


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Last Edit:  June 21, 2024



Updating CaaS Cameras

The DW CaaS (Camera as a System) camera series are miniature, self-contained recording servers housed within the IP camera itself. In addition to the regular IP camera functions of capturing and streaming video, each CaaS camera comes equipped with an ARM version of DW Spectrum IPVMS. Periodically, this firmware will need to be updated to ensure continued operation.

This article will outline the recommended process when updating firmware for a DW CaaS camera.


**NOTE:  It is recommended to create a database backup before and after applying a DW Spectrum update. You can create a DW Spectrum database backup using the Backup and Restore feature within the DW Spectrum Client desktop management software.

**NOTE: For any troubleshooting CaaS camera recording issues, refer to the article – MEGApix CaaS Camera Troubleshooting


Supported/Affected Devices:

  • DW MEGApix CaaS (Camera as a System) Camera Series


Updating DW Spectrum ARM Firmware

STEP 1: Download DW Spectrum IPVMS ARM for CaaS

To download the latest firmware for the camera:

  1. Visit and click the magnifying glass icon in the top-right of the window, then search for your CaaS camera model’s product page.
  2. From the camera’s product page, click on the “Software” tab.

DW MEGApix CaaS cameras use two different firmware types when operating as its own self-contained server. To update DW Spectrum in the CaaS camera,

    • DW Spectrum IPVMS ARM for CaaS – specialized camera firmware responsible for providing DW Spectrum media services such as video recording, system configurations, system merging, etc.
    • DW MEGApix CaaS Camera Firmware – general camera firmware responsible for running regular IP camera services such as video streaming, security authentication, etc.

Download the DW Spectrum IPVMS ARM for CaaS firmware file.


STEP 2: SD Card Format

If there have been any recording issues with the CaaS camera, formatting the camera’s SD Memory Card may help to clear any corruption from the storage.


**CRITICAL NOTE: Be aware that this will delete the media files that are stored in the CaaS camera, including video archives. If the recorded data must be kept, please contact DW Technical Support so that the technical support team can verify that no other troubleshooting steps are necessary before formatting the SD Card.


To format the CaaS camera’s SD Memory Card:

  1. Visit the camera’s web client by either manually entering the camera’s IP address or through a DW Spectrum Client connection.
  2. Click on “Setup” and select the Edge menu tab.
  3. Click the STOP button to stop the DW Spectrum Edge Server program. Formatting the SD Memory Card is not possible while the Edge Server is still running.
  4. Navigate to the Edge > Storage menu and select the mounted SD Memory Card from the Storage List.



  1. After selecting the SD Memory Card, click the FORMAT button to delete all contents stored in the SD Memory Card.
  2. Allow the formatting process to be completed. Once finished, click the UNMOUNT button.
  3. Wait a moment then MOUNT the memory card, reinstall the DW Spectrum Edge/ARM program and START the Edge Server program again.



STEP 3: Upload the DW Spectrum IPVMS ARM for CaaS File

To apply the updated ARM file to the CaaS camera:

  1. Click on “Setup” and select the Edge menu tab.
  2. Click the STOP button to stop the DW Spectrum Edge service.
  3. Click the Select File button and select the ARM file for the camera.
  4. Click the Update button to update the ARM file.
  5. Once the update has completed, click the START button to start the DW Spectrum Edge service again.


**NOTE:  If the DW Spectrum Edge Server is not functioning properly, you can remove the Edge file from the CaaS camera, then attempt to reinstall the ARM file.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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