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Home > DW Product Help > DW Recording Servers > DW Blackjack Servers > Linux / Ubuntu OS > DW Blackjack - Installing Wireshark on Ubuntu Servers
DW Blackjack - Installing Wireshark on Ubuntu Servers
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Installing Wireshark on Blackjack Servers (Ubuntu Linux)


Last Edit:  March 5, 2024



Wireshark Data Packet Analyzer

Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer that can be used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software, and communications protocol development. This program is sometimes used by DW Support members when trying to determine where a System may be dropping data packets or to create a general topography of a local network.

DW’s use of Wireshark is based on Version 3.2.3 (Git v3.2.3, packaged as 3.2.3-1) and was tested using a DW Spectrum Server machine operating with Ubuntu 20.04.3.

The following instructions were created under these conditions and your results are subject to change, depending on the version Ubuntu, the ISO that was implemented at the time of your server’s creation, and the currently available version of Wireshark at the time of your installation.

It is strongly recommended to create a Database Backup and to notate your server’s network configuration settings before proceeding.

This article will outline how to install Wireshark on Ubuntu servers. This is typically only necessary if your support case requires developer involvement, and it has been directly requested to provide Wireshark packets to further investigate your technical issue.


Related Article


**NOTE: You server will need Internet access to download the Wireshark program from the open-source repository. If you encounter issues with launching the Wireshark application after following this guide, please consult the Troubleshooting section at the end of this article.


Installing Wireshark

Part 1: Create Backups and Document Licenses

Before proceeding, create the following:


Part 2: Installing the Wireshark Program

Perform the following to install Wireshark on your DW Spectrum Server (Ubuntu):

  1. Open the Terminal program (CTRL+ALT+T) and access superuser control with the following command.

sudo su

You will be prompted to enter the password for the OS. By default, the OS password is “Dw5pectrum”.


  1. Download the Wireshark program from the open-source repository with the following command.

sudo apt-get install wireshark


  1. You will be prompted to allow the OS to write the necessary changes to install Wireshark.

Input “Y” then press the Enter key to approve.


  1. A confirmation window will then display, prompting you to allow members of the Wireshark System Group to capture packets.

Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select “Yes” then press the Enter key to approve.


    1.  If you accidentally selected “No”, you can use the following command to change the setting to “Yes”.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common


  1. After allowing non-superusers to be able to capture packets, you will need to add the system profile, “dwuser”, to the Wireshark System Group. Use the following command.

sudo adduser dwuser wireshark


**NOTE:  If you changed the default username for the DW Blackjack unit from “dwuser” to a custom name, replace “dwuser” in the command with the current username.



  1. To finish this setup, enter the following command.

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/bin/dumpcap


  1. You should now be able to run the Wireshark application. If Wireshark does not launch when using the shortcut icon, you can also begin to run the program using the following command.

sudo wireshark



If you were unable to install the software or to identify Wireshark as an option to download, there may be some additional adjustments that you can try.


**IMPORTANT NOTE:  Be aware that older versions of Ubuntu (e.g. Version 14.04 or older) may respond poorly to the following troubleshooting steps. You will be enabling Ubuntu updates, which can potentially cause unexpected and unwanted changes to other software on the server. Proceed at your own risk.


**NOTE: You server will need Internet access to download the Wireshark program from the open-source repository. Some DW Blackjack Servers will have repository access disabled by default. To learn more, refer to the article “Repairing Broken Repository Dependencies for Ubuntu Servers”.


Troubleshooting Step 1: Uninstalling Wireshark

To avoid potential issues, uninstall the components that may have failed to completely install.

  1. Open the Terminal program (CTRL+ALT+T) and access superuser control with the following command.

sudo su

You will be prompted to enter the password for the OS. By default, the OS password is “Dw5pectrum”.


  1. Purge the Wireshark components from the server with the following commands.

sudo apt-get remove -purge wireshark


sudo apt-get autoremove


sudo -i


apt-get purge wireshark-*


apt autoremove


rm -rf /etc/wireshark


Troubleshooting Step 2: Enable Ubuntu Update

  1. Navigate to the Ubuntu icon and search for “Software”, then open the “Software & Updates” application.


  1. In the Ubuntu Updates tab, enable the following settings:
    • Canonical (main)
    • Community (universe)
    • Proprietary (restricted)
    • Software restricted (multiverse)


  1. Once selected, the system will prompt you for your user login (Default: dwuser/Dw5pectrum). It may also ask to reload the application. Allow the program to reload.


Troubleshooting Step 3: Updating

  1. Open the Terminal program (CTRL+ALT+T) and access superuser control with the following command.

sudo su

You will be prompted to enter the password for the OS. By default, the OS password is “Dw5pectrum”.


  1. Enter the following command to prompt an OS update.

sudo apt-get update


  1. The system will check for necessary updates and download current repositories and dependencies. If updates have been disabled, or are enabled but never ran, the system will inquire if you would like to proceed with making changes to the OS.

Input “Y then press the Enter key to agree to the changes.


  1. To implement some of the necessary changes that were just downloaded, enter the following command.

sudo apt-get upgrade


Troubleshooting Step 4: Installing Wireshark

Try to install the Wireshark program again. You may refer to the directions at the beginning of this article for instructions.

If there are critical changes from these updates that have negatively impacted the performance of the system or have altered the functionality of software on the system, you can run a system recovery to factory default the machine.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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