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DW Spectrum - HALO Smart Sensor Integration Guide
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DW Spectrum and HALO Smart Sensor Integration Guide


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Software Version:  DW Spectrum 5.1

Last Edit:  October 12, 2023



HALO Smart Sensor

The HALO Smart Sensor can be integrated with DW Spectrum IPVMS using the RTSP output from the HALO device. This allows operators to visualize and record the real-time data from the HALO Smart Sensor, as though it were a typical IP camera.

This article will outline how to integrate a HALO Smart Sensor with DW Spectrum and how to set up event rules for advanced features and alarms.


**NOTE: This integration was tested using DW Spectrum IPVMS software version 5.1 and HALO Smart Sensor firmware version 2.8.2.


Integration Setup

Connect with the HALO Smart Sensor web interface using a web browser. Enter the device’s IP address to connect with the HALO device.


Part 1: HALO Smart Sensor – Device Name

Click on the Device Icon in the bottom navigation bar.

Enter a unique name in the Device Name field then click the Set Name button to save the settings.


Part 2: HALO Smart Sensor – Enable RTSP Stream

To capture the Stream URL needed to connect DW Spectrum to HALO, click on the Image Icon in the bottom navigation bar.

Scroll down to the RTSP settings and perform the following:

  • RTSP Stream Enabled: enable the toggle switch to allow the RTSP Stream.
  • Authentication: set to “Both”.
  • Username: assign a username login that will be used to access the HALO device RTSP stream. This username will be used by the DW Spectrum Server to authenticate access to the RTSP stream.
  • Password: assign a password that will be used to access the HALO device RTSP stream. This password will be used by the DW Spectrum Server to authenticate access to the RTSP stream.
  • Port: enter the RTSP port (default is 554).

Click the Save button to apply the settings.


Part 3: HALO Smart Sensor – Actions

Click on the Actions Icon on the HALO Smart Sensor interface.

For each Event Identifier check all checkboxes in the Messaging Set column.

Click the Save button to apply the settings.


Part 4: DW Spectrum IPVMS - Users

A dedicated local user account can be created in DW Spectrum for the HALO Smart Sensor to connect and send Event Notifications when the device is triggered.

**NOTE: The Owner account in DW Spectrum can be used instead of creating a new user account. If so, the username and password must be used in the HALO device settings to allow access. Using separate user accounts may increase your cybersecurity.


Using the DW Spectrum Client desktop software:

  1. Log in to the DW Spectrum System and open the System Administration menu. This can be done by either right-clicking on the Server in the Resource Tree, through the Main Menu, or by using hotkeys (CTRL+ALT+A).


  1. In the System Administration menu, select the Users tab and click the New User button.


  1. In the New User window, configure the following:
    • Login: assign a username for the HALO Smart Device user role. This username will be used to log in to the DW Spectrum Server itself.
    • Name: enter the full name for the user account.
    • Email: specify an email address for the user account (if applicable).
    • Password: assign a password for the user account. This password will be used to log in to the DW Spectrum Server itself.
    • Confirm Password: re-enter the new password.
    • Role: set the role as “Administrator”.
    • Enabled: ensure that the toggle is enabled to allow this user to keep an active status.
    • Digest Authentication: click on the three dots and select “Allow digest authentication for this user”.

Click the OK button to apply and save the new user account.


Part 5: HALO Smart Sensor – Integration

In the HALO device’s web interface, click on the Integration Icon in the bottom navigation bar and configure the following:

  • Protocol: set the protocol as “HTTP”.
  • Set String: in the string field, enter the following text. Replace “<SERVERIPADDRESS>” with the actual IP address of the DW Spectrum Server.
    • Set the radio button for the “Set String” setting to “ON”.


  • Username: enter the username (Login) that was created in DW Spectrum in the previous section (Part 4).
  • Password: enter the password that was created in DW Spectrum in the previous section (Part 4).

Click the Save button to apply the settings.


Part 6: DW Spectrum IPVMS – Add the HALO Smart Sensor

To add the HALO device to the DW Spectrum Server:

  1. In the DW Spectrum Client, open the Main Menu and select “Add Device”.


  1. In the Address box, enter the HALO stream URL below. Replace “<IPADDRESS>” with the actual IP address of the HALO device.

For Login and Password, enter the same username and password that were set earlier in Part 2: HALO Smart Sensor – Enable RTSP.



  1. Click the Search button. Once the HALO device has been discovered, it will display in the device list.

Click in the checkbox to select the device then click the Add all Devices button to add it to the DW Spectrum Server.


  1. From the main screen, drag the newly added HALO device from the Resource Tree into the viewing area to display the live data stream.


Part 7: DW Spectrum – Event Rules

After connecting the HALO device, the next step is to apply some automation between DW Spectrum and the smart sensor by creating some Event Rules.

In the DW Spectrum Client:

  1. Open the System Administration (CTRL+ALT+A) menu and select “Event Rules”.


  1. In the Event Rules menu, click the Add button.

There are a variety of action options that an Event Rule can be created. It is up to you to determine what event settings will best meet your needs. Here is an example event rule to have DW Spectrum open a camera layout in response to an event being triggered by the HALO Smart Sensor.

For this example, you would configure the following:


  • When: select “Generic Event”
  • Source Contains: enter the HALO Smart Sensor’s device name. The name must match the HALO Smart Sensor’s name identically.
  • Description Contains: enter the title of the HALO Event that will be associated with this Event Rule. For example, “Vape”.


  • Do: select “Open Layout” as the responsive action. When the Event Rule is triggered, a camera layout will open and display in a new tab within the desktop client as a result.
  • Layout: select the relevant layout that will display when the Event Rule is triggered.
  • Show To: [optional] select the DW Spectrum users or roles that this Event Rule will be provided for.

Click the OK button to save and apply the Event Rule.


Part 8: HALO Smart Sensor – Testing HALO Events

After creating the Event Rule, event triggers can be tested using the HALO Smart Sensor’s web interface.

Click on the Actions Icon in the bottom navigation bar and click on the TEST buttons test to ensure that integration programming is correct. Make sure that the events being tested have associated Event Rules created in DW Spectrum.


When the HALO Smart Sensor successfully triggers an event, the result should reflect what was set within the Action section of the Event Rule (Part 7).

Events will be logged in the Event Log menu within the System Administration menu of DW Spectrum.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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