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Home > DW Product Help > Software Applications > DW Spectrum IPVMS > DW Spectrum - Changing Server Port
DW Spectrum - Changing Server Port
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DW Spectrum – Changing Server Port


Affected Roles:  Owner

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum

Software Version:  5.0 and Higher

Last Edit:  September 5, 2024



Spectrum's Default Port

By default, Spectrum IPVMS uses port 7001.  In some cases where Spectrum detects another application using 7001,  it will add an integer of 10 until it finds an available port to use. (7011, 7021, 7031, etc.)


Changing the Port Number


If you find that you need to change the port number, or if Spectrum has changed its port and you would like to configure it to a desired port, you can change the port number via the server's Web Page.


  1. Log on to the server's web page using its IP address and port number.  Log in using the "admin" credentials.
    **NOTE:  If you are on the server directly, you can use its loopback address


  2. Navigate to Settings, select the server, and you will see the port field to change the port number.

  3. Once your desired port number is set, select "save" at the bottom of the page.


Troubleshooting: Finding the Port


If the server is not using default 7001 and you do not know the port, start by trying 7011 as this would be the most common port it would automatically change to.  If this fails:


On the server directly, navigate to the tray tool and select "server web page".  This will automatically pull up the web page with the associated port number.




  1. Open Terminal with 
  2. Enter the command
    sudo su
    and press enter.  Type in the server's password (default Dw5pectrum) and press enter.  Note that the password will not show characters for security.

  3. Enter the command
    netstat -ap | grep mediaserver
    and press enter.

  4. Look for the listening ports.  tcp and tcp6 should have the same port numbers listed.  This is your media server's port in use.


For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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