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DW Spectrum - Video Wall Setup and Remote Monitor Control
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Video Wall Setup & Remote Monitor Control


Affected Roles:  Admin, Owner

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum® IPVMS

Complexity:  Low

Software Version:  v4.2.x.xxxxx or higher

Last Edit:  October 19, 2021



What is DW Spectrum® Video Wall?

DW Spectrum’s Video Wall is an easy, powerful way to remotely (LAN, WAN/Internet) control display monitors through the DW Spectrum Client.  Video Wall is a licensed feature that requires one (1) DW Spectrum-VideoWall license for every two (2) display monitors and one (1) concurrent user.

This article will outline how to enable and configure the Video Wall feature through the DW Spectrum Client.


**NOTE:  This feature is currently supported only on Windows and Ubuntu/Linux operating systems.


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Enabling DW Spectrum Video Wall

Video Wall Licenses

To utilize the Video Wall function, at least one (1) DW Spectrum-VideoWall License must be activated in the DW Spectrum System to enable up to two (2) Video Wall displays.


**NOTE:  The DW Spectrum Client software must be installed on the workstation (computer) that will be used to host the Video Wall’s main display.


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Part 1:  Configuring DW Spectrum Video Wall

To create and configure a new Video Wall:

  1. Launch the DW Spectrum Client and log in as an Administrator or Owner.
    • DW Blackjack Default User ID:  admin
    • DW Blackjack Default Password:  Admin12345


  1. Click on the Main Menu tile and hover over “New…

Next, select “Video Wall…” and assign a name to the Video Wall layout.


  1. The DW Spectrum Client will add the new Video Wall to the Resource Panel. Right-click on the Video Wall as it displays in the Resource Panel and select “Attach to Video Wall…


  1. The software will automatically detect all display monitors that are physically connected to the Video Wall Server in a Preview pop-up window. One ( Virtual Screen typically represents one physical display monitor, however it is possible to stretch one Virtual Screen across several display windows.

In the Preview pop-up window, select which Virtual Screen will host the Video Wall. Highlighted displays will be retitled with “New Item”. While in this state, you can:

  • Drag the edges of the Virtual Screen to resize the display
  • Click-and-drag to reposition and design display layouts
  • Click the close (X) button in the top-right of the Virtual Screen to deactivate the display

Click the “OK” button to assign the video wall(s) to the selected display monitor(s).


  1. The display preview(s) will display. 

To rename active Video Wall displays as represented in the DW Spectrum Client, you can right-click on the display in the Resource Panel and select “Rename”.


  1. At this point you can begin to add resource elements to the Virtual Screen. To add devices, double-click on the preview or right-click on and select “Control Video Wall”. Drag-and-drop devices from the Resource Panel into the Video Wall layout.

To remove resources from a Virtual Screen, right-click on the Virtual Screen and select “Clear Screen”.


  1. When finished, right-click in the Video Wall layout and select “Save Current Layout”.  Alternatively, right-click on the Video Wall resource in the Resource Panel and select “Save Current Matrix”.

The Video Wall configuration (also referred to as ‘Matrix’) will become available for viewing among the Video Walls in the Resource Panel.


Part 2:  Displaying & Controlling the DW Spectrum Video Wall

To display the Video Wall on assigned display monitors:

  1. At the workstation (computer) that will be used to host the Video Wall display(s), launch the DW Spectrum Client and log in to the DW Spectrum System.

In the Resource Panel, right-click on the Video Wall and select “Switch to Video Wall Mode”.

You will be offered the option to Close or Keep the current instance of DW Spectrum Client.  If you will be remotely managing the Video Wall from a different workstation, select “Close”.


  1. The Video Wall will deploy on the workstation that is currently in use to the assigned display monitors. 

You can remotely control the Video Wall displays in real-time through the DW Spectrum Client’s “Control Video Wall” feature.  While controlling the video wall you can:

  • Push my screen – allows you to display the desktop of the managing DW Spectrum Client in real-time instead of camera streams (Windows only)
  • Add cameras – drag-and-drop devices from the Resource Panel into the Video Wall layout to add devices to the display
  • Delete – individually select and remove devices from the Video Wall layout
  • Clear Screen – remove all devices from the Video Wall layout



  1. To end the Video Wall, right-click on the Video Wall in the Resource Panel and select “Stop Video Wall”.

A confirmation will display explaining that you will need to restart the Video Wall feature at the hosting workstation to resume the deployment.


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