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Home > DW Product Help > Software Applications > DW Spectrum IPVMS > Why does Spectrum show the warning - Network Issue ?
Why does Spectrum show the warning - Network Issue ?
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Network Issue


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Software Version:  DW Spectrum Version 5.1

Last Edit:  August 23, 2024


What is a Network Issue?

Spectrum analyzes RTP packets received at each Server. If Spectrum determines packets were lost and/or did not arrive as smoothly (in the correct order) as expected users will see a “Network Issue” notification.


Some common reasons why this warning might appear are listed below:


  • No signal/disconnected
  • The connection to the camera was unexpectedly closed
  • No data was received for 10 seconds or more
  • RTP error in primary/secondary stream


Supported/Affected Devices

  • DW BlackJack Series
  • Custom Built Servers



Other potential causes of a Network Issue


The bandwidth between the camera and server is not enough, usually because of:

  • Poor connectivity (slow networks)

  • Capacity problems (too much data for the existing network infrastructure)

Network devices that are not set up properly or cannot handle the necessary traffic types:

  • Some PoE switches do not work well with UDP as the connection protocol between cameras and servers. Network devices have built-in limitations that might prevent adequate traffic handling or throughput.

  • Two or more devices could have been given the same IP address.

An issue with the network cabling causing packet loss:

  • Cable runs that are too long.

  • Using the wrong type or quality of cabling.

  • Cabling in poor condition.

  • Too many hops between the Server and the device.

Firewalls and/or antivirus applications delay the responses between the DW Spectrum Media server and connected devices:

  • Set up rules in the firewall or antivirus application to avoid such delays.

  • Disable the antivirus application on the Server.


How to address a Network Issue?


  1. Camera Status on DW Spectrum :

    • Right-click the camera and select "Check Camera Issues" to get more details on what the problem might be.
  2. Restart the Camera and Server :
    • Restarting or rebooting the camera and/or DW Spectrum server is a basic but effective troubleshooting step to try when experiencing camera connectivity or streaming issues. Resetting these devices re-initializes the network links and video software, clearing out any transient bugs.
  3. Network Configuration :
    • Check for any IP conflicts that might be causing connectivity issues and ensure no other devices on the network have the same IP address as the camera.
  4. Firewall and Network Security Settings :
    • Ensure that the network firewall or any security settings are not blocking the camera's IP address or the necessary ports used by DW Spectrum.
  5. Test Network Connectivity :
    • Ping the camera's IP address from the DW Spectrum server to ensure there is a network path between the two.
  6. Camera Firmware and Software Updates :
    • Check if the camera's firmware is up to date. Outdated firmware can sometimes cause network issues.
    • Ensure that DW Spectrum software is up to date as well.
  7. ONVIF Device Manager:

    • Try accessing the camera directly via ONVIF Device Manager to determine if the issue is specific to DW Spectrum or if the camera itself has general network problems.
      • Please see the following article:
  8. VLC Media. 
    Try opening the camera streams in VLC (with logging) and check if the packets are lost there. The stream URL can be retrieved through Camera Settings.
    • Right-click the camera > Camera Settings > General tab.
    • This Window will provide the “Primary Stream” & “Secondary Stream”.




How to avoid this issue

  1. Make sure your network is stable and that throughput is adequate between the affected camera and Server.
  2. Choose stable, dependable cameras/streams.
  3. Simplify the network architecture as much as possible so that the path between the camera/stream and Server is as direct as possible. The more routing you have the more likely a camera/stream is to be affected.
  4. Make sure to use high-quality cabling.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595           

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