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Home > DW Product Help > Software Applications > DW Spectrum IPVMS > DW Spectrum - Finding the Server Log
DW Spectrum - Finding the Server Log
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Finding the DW Spectrum Server Log


Affected Roles:  Owner, Administrator

Related Digital Watchdog VMS Apps:  DW Spectrum IPVMS

Last Edit:  June 10, 2024



Collecting Logs

Log files track the internal actions performed by DW Spectrum components. They are a crucial part in an issues investigation as they can help developers to understand the problem and its cause.

There are two ways for an administrator to retrieve Server Log files from a DW Spectrum Server. This article will outline how to do both.


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Method 1 – Digital Watchdog Media Server Folder

The Owner and Administrator users can manually obtain Server Logs directly from the Digital Watchdog Media Server folder. This method can only be performed at the computer hosting the DW Spectrum Server itself.

Refer to the file paths below to find Server Logs according to your OS:

  • Windows OS: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Digital Watchdog\DW Spectrum Media Server\log
  • Ubuntu/Linux: /opt/dwspectrum/mediaserver/var/log


Method 2 – Logs Management Menu

The Owner and Administrator users also have the option to download erver logs using the DW Spectrum Client. This can be a useful method if you are connecting remotely to the system.

To download Server Logs using the DW Spectrum Client:

  1. Log into the DW Spectrum System as the Owner as an Administrator user.
  2. Open the System Administration menu (CTRL+ALT+A) and select the Advanced tab.

Select the Logs Management tab.


  1. In the Logs Management menu, select the Server and/or Client unit(s) from which to download.

Click the Settings button to set the Logging Level before downloading. The Logging Level setting is the amount of information that the system components record to the log files.

  • None – no log files are written (default for Client units).
  • Error – only errors and critical failures are recorded.
  • Warning – system warnings, errors, and critical failures messages as predefined by developers.
  • Info – same as the Warning logging level but includes informative messages as predefined by developers (default log level for Server units).
  • Debug – same as the Info logging level but includes auto generated messages about actions performed by the application (recommended when reporting an issue).
  • Verbose – same as the Debug logging level but records a full tracking of everything that the application does. This can contain a large amount of data and cause the application to slow down.


**NOTE:  It is recommended to return the Logging Level setting to its default setting after you have collected enough logs. Default for Client units is “None”. Default for Server units is “Info”.


  1. Additional (optional) settings include:
  • Limit Max Volume – the maximum total size of the log files. Once the size hits the limit, the oldest records will be erased.
  • Split File by Size – size of the single log file. Once the size hits the limit, the new file will be created until the Max Volume limit is reached by all log files.
  • Split File by Time – if enabled, the new file will be created once in a specified period (12 hours at the example above) until the Max Volume limit is reached by all log files.
  • Reset to Defaults – to revert settings to the original ones.


  1. Click the OK button to save the Logs Management settings.

Click the Download button and set the download using your selected logging settings.




For More Information or Technical Support

DW Technical Support:  866.446.3595 (option 4)


DW Sales:  866.446.3595                   [email protected]

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